Emergency Sinkhole Response on January 30, 2018 Citrus County, FL
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Emergency Sinkhole Response on January 30, 2018 Citrus County, FL

Two sinkhole-related dropouts recently occurred along a major highway in Citrus County, FL. The dropouts resulted in the closure of the inside traffic lanes for both directions of traffic. Ambient Technologies, Inc. (ATI) was part of an emergency response team to both assess and test geological conditions within the dropout area. GeoView, Inc. (subsidiary of Ambient Technologies) was on site within 3 hours of the call to assess geological conditions using both high and low frequency ground penetrating radar (GPR).


Results from the GPR study indicated that the dropouts were part of a larger buried sinkhole feature that was approximately 1,350 ft in size. It was also determined that the dropout features were near-vertical walled to an estimated depth of 15 to 20 ft. This information allowed ATI Drilling to confidently test near the dropouts. Results from the geotechnical testing revealed that the site was underlain by a surficial layer of sand that was 8 to 12 ft thick. The sand was underlain by a highly weathered limestone unit. All geophysical and drill testing was completed with 12 hours of the emergency call. 


Results from the geophysical and drill testing were used to design a compaction grouting program where 170 cubic yards of grout were used to stabilize subsurface conditions at the site.

For Drilling Services, please contact Marcelo Reis at (727) 328-0268 and  info@ambienttech.com

For Geophysical Survey Services, please contact Michael Wightman at (813) 690-6667 and   info@geoviewinc.com

You can reach your MBE-DBE-SBE-SDB goals utilizing all ATI Companies services under ONE contractual agreement. 


 www.ambienttech.com - www.geoviewinc.com

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