Albert / Tuesday, October 24, 2017 / Categories: News ATI Companies completed an FDOT District 7 Project and has immediate availability of its CME 45B with Automatic Hammer Geotechnical Drilling & Sampling Geotechnical Drilling for Foundation Design and Sinkhole Investigations Rock Coring for Engineering, Natural Resources and Quarry Site Studies Splitspoon, Shelby Tube Soil Sampling and others Mud Rotary, Auger Borings (Solid and Hollow) & DPT Installation of Piezometers and Inclinometers SPT with Automatic hammer Please contact Marcelo Reis at (727) 328-0268 and You can reach your MBE-DBE-SBE-SDB goals utilizing all ATI Companies services under ONE contractual agreement. Utility Locating, Designating and Mapping Level B Subsurface Utility Designation Studies Vacuum Excavation Services Clearing of Proposed Environmental and Geotechnical Sampling Locations Identification of Areas of Pipeline Failure Preparation of AutoCAD figures for Design/Build and Pre-Demolition Studies Geophysical Surveys and Investigations Geological/Geotechnical Geophysical Sinkhole Investigations Top of Rock/Void Delineation Top of Clay Mapping Hydrogeologic Evaluations Excavation Conditions Environmental Locating Tanks and Piping Buried Debris/Wastes Identification Delineation of Boundaries for Contaminated Soils Groundwater Contaminant Plume Mapping Landfill Boundaries Determination Please note that the ATI Companies areas of operation include Panama and the Caribbean Previous Article ATI Drilling renews its Geotechnical Drilling Services with Two Geotechnical Drill Rigs: Truck Mounted CME 45B with Automatic Hammer and Track Mounted ACKER XLS Next Article Success Story at the Panama Canal Expansion Project Print 5526 Rate this article: No rating Please login or register to post comments.