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Ambient Technologies and Subsidiaries (GeoView and ATI Companies) Strategy in Response to Coronavirus COVID-19

Presently, Ambient Technologies and Subsidiaries remain open for business with full Client Support, Field Services and Operations capabilities.  We are actively protecting the health of our employees and providing dependable services to our clients.  We plan to accomplish this by supporting the directions of our government/health leadership, by taking preventive actions against the virus and by adapting to an economic downturn.

Health Precautions.


In support of effort to prevent spread of the virus we promote the guidelines issued by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and follow the local government restrictions.  We recognize that one of the best ways to reduce the spread of this virus is social distancing and limiting the number of people assembled in close quarters.  Requests by our clients to work on their projects will be evaluated for the risks of exposure of our employees and the general public.


Most of our employees are field personnel that have very few contacts with other people beyond their team members, throughout the day.  We are accustomed to use of PPE and handling hazard materials. We will follow well-defined behavioral changes and guidelines issued by the CDC.  We are also encouraging healthy measures by requiring our employees and field representatives to:

  • Avoid direct touching.
  • Avoid touching their faces, noses, and mouths.
  • Maintain a six-foot radius during field work and communication on site.
  • Continuously cleaning and sanitizing our vehicles, trailer, tooling and hands.

Economic Responsibility


The success of our firm also depends on our ability provide financial stability to our employees, vendors and clients.  Ambient Technologies, Inc. has been in business 27 years and has the financial capacity to remain active during a reasonable period as the virus dissipates.  We may ask for consideration to our Terms and Conditions and set limits to credit availability in order for us to support all our clients and vendors.


We owe a profound debt of gratitude to all our health officials, professionals and technicians (and drillers) who are on the front lines of this pandemic.  We also pray for our government leaders to make the right and humane decisions to keep our population health and economy stable.


Ambient Technologies, Inc. (ATI) and Subsidiaries certified as MBE-DBE-SBE-SDB.

Our Subsidiaries include ATI Companies LLC, GeoView, Inc., ATI Energia LLC.

Together We Shall Overcome.

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